A review by srreid
Glasgow Kiss by Alex Gray


A case of a young girl snatched from outside her home, an RE teacher accused of rape, after rebuffing the advances of one of his pupils, and said pupil then turning up dead. Just another day for your world weary cop.
A decent enough crime story, leaves you guessing who the murderer is, no real hints until the end. As mentioned by other reviewers the publisher claims it does for Glasgow what Rebus did for Edinburgh, but i never felt that either, the language and characters of Glasgow never really appeared, just a token ex criminal father and a brother had any attempt at the language. It was more the geography of Glasgow with a brief trip past Loch Lomond that was in evidence, but even then it felt more like it was put in for the sake of it rather than being an integral part of the story.
Still i enjoyed the read, as a casual one and would likely check out more in the series.