A review by ctdominguez13
Faerie Wars by Herbie Brennan


I read this book in middle school and absolutely loved it. I couldn't remember the name of this book in the years after and recently found it and was able to re-read it almost immediately. I have to say that even though I found many flaws that I didn't see as a kid, it hasn't hindered my love for this book. The plot is pretty standard and the writing is not amazing. I find a lot of the issues were solved because a character conveniently did something before hand. Henry was an awkward character yet endearing. Pyrgus was well, Pyrgus. I wish I could have seen more character development from him rather than just an overnight change. I just love Blue, she was always the most memorable to me. I could almost say this book is nonsensical in many ways but I think that it's part of its charm. Overall, I enjoyed reading it and will most likely continue on with the series.