A review by xxsquigglesxx
The Redemption of Ajax by Trinity Faegen, Stephanie Feagan


OVERALL IMPRESSION: This book was pretty confusing at first. I didn't know what was going on; I didn't know what each group of people were -- the Anabo, the Ravens, the Skia, etc -- it was hard to figure out what everyone's purpose was. As the book continued, things were explained and I figured out everyone's purpose. This was an okay book, but not one that I jumped out of my seat for and had to finish right away.

CHARACTERS: I honestly didn't connect with any of the characters in this book. None them stood to me and made me want to learn more about them.

COVER: I love the cover of this one! The dark atmosphere, the trees in the background. I love the dress the girl is wearing and the bridge that she is walking over.

*I received a copy of this book from Amazon Vine for review.