A review by charshorrorcorner
Ash Wednesday by Chet Williamson


4.5/5 stars!

A beautifully written and touching story of what happens when the dead of the town of Merridale are suddenly visible and blue. They're visible in the places in which they died or in the places that meant the most to them when they were alive. At first, people are freaked out, (wouldn't you be?), but then they get used to it. Well, some do and some don't.

The characters in this story are well drawn and believable. This is a story about guilt, and about making the most of the short time that we have here on earth, among other things.

I'd classify this as a quiet horror tale, not too many bloody, ugly scenes and that's the type of horror I prefer these days-the quiet, atmospheric, and psychological kind. This book just hit all the right notes with me. Bravo!

Highly recommended!

You can get a Kindle copy here for only $2.99!: https://www.amazon.com/Ash-Wednesday-Chet-Williamson-ebook/dp/B003WEAJ70/chashorcor-20