A review by asteroidbuckle
The Dreyfus Affair: A Love Story by Peter Lefcourt


I was recently on a sports (baseball) fiction kick and was searching for baseball books on Amazon. I found this one and the synopsis immediately captured my attention: the superstar shortstop for a competitive professional baseball team (the fictitious LA Valley Vikings) falls in love with the team's second baseman.

What is the All-American athlete with a beautiful wife and twin daughters to do?

This book is a light read and achingly funny. Poor Randy Dreyfus (the shortstop who lends his name to the title) and DJ Pickett begin a torrid affair which is of course discovered in a most inopportune and embarrassing way.

Enter the prudish, closed-minded fans and the ultra-conservative and off-put baseball owners who pressure the baseball commissioner to suspend the players for life.

Of course, the Vikings are in the middle of the pennant race and Randy and DJ are their best players. What to do?

Oh, and there's a hilarious little side story about a neurotic Dalmatian named Calvin.