A review by blodeuedd
Alien Separation by Gini Koch


Honestly, how can I possibly write a review? SO much is going on, so many cool lines. Kick-ass stuff and you know, the usual stuff. This is book 11 after all. Omg, book 11?! When did that happen? I still remember when I read book 1, awww, the memories.

This book mostly took place off planet, and I loved that. It felt refreshing you know. But then the last one was cool too since it mostly took place in a parallel universe...anyway. Yes most of the gang gets transported to an alien planet. Everyone scattered in different directions. Kitty has Christopher and Chuckie with her, but the rest? Her daughter? Jeff? Everyone? Well she has to find them all and save the day. Oh not to mention figure out why they are there.

Yay alien planet!!! It was one weird and colorful planet. Lots of weird ..things lived there too. "Birds" "other lifeforms" "flying snakes" oh you just have to read it to get it. Most were sentient, and has a bronze age society. Seriously, freaky things lives in that part of the galaxy! And trust me, freakier things show up at the end.

There is running, fighting, building friendships, naming things (Kitty you ;), getting to see the planet and saving the day. Saving the day in a big time at the end.

I took a peak at the next book too at the end, I had to after that....thing...was said ;) Looks to be interesting.

Fun times :)