A review by dembury
Diper Överlöde by Jeff Kinney


I know I'm not the intended audience for this book, but it is a series I think is funny, have read all the way through, and love talking my nephew and the kids who come into my work about it, so I gotta say - this is the worst one out of all 17. First, it's largely just Greg relaying Rodrick's antics, which has its charms at times, yet it's just NOT the same as witnessing Greg get through the trials of middle school life. Second, it's a little depressing?? So much of the story and the gags are just Rodrick and his grown friends trying to do something to better their band only to not have enough money or run into some washed-up rockstar who gives discouraging advice. Finally, the story (especially at the end) just utterly spirals into an unbelievable series of events that seems SO out of sync with the rest of the series. All around a big miss for me.