A review by divapitbull
The Light at the End by John Skipp, Craig Spector


The Light at the End was first published in 1986; and I read it @ 25 years ago. I LOVED it. I don't remember exactly why I loved it, but I 5+ stars LOVED it. I still have the paperback on my "keeper" shelf.

Recently I saw it for $.99 for kindle and thought this would be a good opportunity for a re-read and easier on the older eyes. I don't know what happened, but I didn't love it anymore. I couldn't get into it. There was a whole slew of characters thrown at me, one after another, somewhat one dimensional; and I didn't really like any of them. I didn't dislike them...just pretty much couldn't possibly care less.

But I LOVED this book, so I forced myself to keep reading; telling myself that I just had to get to that special point where all of a sudden I would remember what I loved. I made it to 30% at which point I decided to call it as "simply too painful to continue".

Maybe it was really original and edgy back in the 80's? Maybe I've burnt out on vampire books? Maybe I thought Rudy was cool and mysterious in a sexy nihilistic goth/punk sort of way...whereas now 25 years later I think he's pretty much just a putz? Interesting how one's tastes can so drastically change.