A review by katyanaish
Cast in Honor by Michelle Sagara West, Michelle Sagara


I like the system of magic in this series.

That said, there were a couple parts where even I was like "oh come on" and was skimming ahead. I know other people have had that complaint in previous books in the series, but it didn't bother me until now. In this book, there was one scene in particular - the healing scene - where it just... sucked all the intensity / tension / energy out of the section. Too much ponderous narrative about how to do magic made it feel like, in real time, it was taking her daaaaaaays to do.

Actually, that was true in the climactic end battle too.

I don't know if the author has gotten more wordy, or if I have just become less patient.

It's probably the latter. I'm also less patient with other things. Her taking Severn for granted. Nightshade not getting the smackdown he deserves. The entire order of Hawks treating her like an imbecilic child.

10 books in, I expect for people around her to know her worth. She's saved them how many times? And I expect for characters who treat her poorly - always - to be held accountable.

Forward movement, please.

Weirdly, that all makes it sound like I didn't like it. Not true. I liked it very much, and I liked the twist to what used to be a scary/bad character type... and the unfolding of the mysterious danger.

I just think it could have used another round of editing, and maybe some forward movement on Kaylin's relationships with the secondary characters.