A review by lattelibrarian
You Ruined It: A Book about Boundaries by Anastasia Higginbotham


"I can't prove he did it. All I can do is know it."

Higginbotham does it again. With beautiful collages and a handwritten story, Higginbotham offers us a family portrait in which 11-year old Dawn admits to her mother that her older cousin violated her. 90% novel and 10% workbook, Higginbotham elaborates on Dawn's confusion--she loves her cousin, but she can no longer trust him--, her physiological reaction by dissociating, and how her family comes together to support (or not support) her during this time.

With a variety of characters, including a genderqueer older brother, a witch, and Dawn's mother who takes self-defense classes to find her power and voice while trying to help her youngest daughter, You Ruined It offers a supportive text that I can only imagine other victims/survivors will find both comforting and all too real.