A review by traceythompson
The Road to Woop Woop and Other Stories by Eugen Bacon


Eugen Bacon's collection, The Road to Woop Woop, contains such a variety of genres, it is hard to believe the stories are all written by the same author. But given Bacon is an established, multi award-winning author, it is no surprise she switches between fantasy worlds with ease.

The second story in this collection, Swimming with Daddy, absolutely floored me. What a beautiful portrayal of grief, and how the loved ones we lose remain as voices in our heads. Gorgeous. This is then followed by A Nursery Rhyme, a fable about parenting, and how dealing with children can sometimes be literally deadly.

There is so much to love in these stories, from the fantastic time-traveling lessons of A Maji Maji Chronicle, to how glimpses of our future can be devastating in unexpected ways in The Five Second Button, to deeply engrossing crime fiction in A Case of Seeing.

I read a lot of short stories, so my preferences are pretty well-established. I would have loved some of these stories to be a little longer, so I could selfishly spend more time with Bacon's creations. This collection consists of over 20 stories, but I feel the collection may have been stronger had this been whittled down a little.

I would recommend this book to everyone, as the variety ensure that there is a lot to enjoy. Bacon is an incredibly exciting writer, and I will absolutely continue to read her work.