A review by snowwhitehatesapples
The Cabuliwallah: by Rabindranath Tagore


A heart-wrenching story about a little girl whose talkativeness annoys her mother and (sometimes) her father, but wholly accepted by a poor fruit seller (aka the Cabuliwallah).
SpoilerPrejudiced, the girl's parents, to various degrees, think badly of the fruit seller and at one point, the Cabuliwallah gets jailed. Time passes and girl then grows up into a woman and the Cabuliwallah is forgotten until the day of her wedding day. It is at this moment that the Cabuliwallah realizes that he has missed a lot, and that the father understands that the Cabuliwallah is more than just a fruit seller—that the Cabuliwallah is also a father, and that he must now reacquaint himself with his daughter who highly likely, no longer recognizes him and vice versa.
Definitely worth the read.