A review by doods
Exhalation by Ted Chiang


Really fantastic. Some very thought prevoking concepts about what can, could and will be in our future. I loved that they were broken up with him talking about how he was inspired to write that specific story giving us a look into what got him thinking about it.

So many to talk about so I want to talk about the story The Truth of Fact The Truth of Feeling
This Story was about a father whos struggling to decide (in the wake of a new invention that allows total recall) if being able to remember everything is something that would detract or add to life as a whole. He talks about memories and how they effected an african tribe in such interesting ways.

He talks about how introducing the tribe to writing has changed what truth is. A culture that only knew spoken comunication the truth was a more fluid thing. More about what was felt to be right. Without any writings from the past to prove something was one way the tribe relied on memory and once paper and pen was introduced that changed what truth was for them. The tribe then had to recon with this new tool and having it inform the things they believe.

Taking it back to the father of the story. The father is worries about this new change within the way he percieves truth. This possible future really got me thinking. In a world where we can totally recall anything at a request how would that inform our decision making. Im sure like the father in the story I misremember things and maybe it would be better if I knew the truth of the matter but is a world where we are all in a gray area more open to understanding eachothers flaws? im not sure just yet but I'll be thinking about it more and thats all thanks to this FANTASTIC book.

Give it a read