A review by yodamom
Cloak & Silence by Sherrilyn Kenyon


Maris, what a sweetheart. This poor man has been beaten, battered, bullied and unloved most of his life except for one person Darling. It has been painful to watch his love for Darling over the last books. While Darling loves him it is not a romantic love, and yet it is unbreakable. Maris has told his lovers that he will never love anyone more than his precious friend and with that they leave him. So, he stands to the side watching his friend have the love he will never get and willing to live that way forever.
omg it has been heartbreaking to watch him suffer.

His suffering might come to an end with one rescue. He rescues someone who will challenge everything he believes in about his worth, and his ability to love. This new guy is absolutely wonderful. He's a chef, an honest man, a generous friend and has known his own sorrows for too long. Together, these two struggle to go beyond the scars.
I love these characters in this series, the good guys, not the bad guys. These are good solid people, who offer themselves up for the good of others. Maris and Ture are two of the best. I loved reading this story it left me smiling and there is nothing wrong with that.