A review by snoakes96
Wash the Spider Out by Ben Parris


The most notable aspect of Wash The Spider Out: Drastic Measures Volume Two is the wide variety of topics and emotions it manages cover in just a little over 250 pages. The stories range from portraying every day events to the fantastical and often horrific elements of life. Each story seems to delve effortlessly into the human mind in order to show the complicated workings of life itself. In this short story collection, thirteen authors create lifelike characters that experience events that push them to discover things about the world around them, things about themselves as individuals, and the resulting struggle when they realize that not all of those things are good things.
Some of the stories that shined particularly strongly were Pumpkin Cheesecake by Cathy Douglas, She Understood by Zdravka Evtimova, and Eternity’s Red Tape by Brad Post. Pumpkin Cheesecake takes you inside the mind of a woman suffering from an eating disorder, showing a side of life that many people choose to keep secret and leaving a powerful result for readers to contemplate. She Understood shows the perspective of a man whose life revolves around collecting objects, including women. The author does a great job depicting the main character as a strange and off-putting person, but creates a satisfying ending when his ex-wife sells his life’s work in an act of retribution. Lastly, Eternity’s Red Tape tells the story of an alcoholic who is given the second chance to change his future, but only if he chooses to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.
Wash The Spider Out: Drastic Measures Volume Two is a work that shows all sides of the life; the good, the bad, and everything in between. Some works are stronger than others, but all of them make you stop and think after reading them, and that is the sign of an influential piece of writing.