A review by itabar
The Key by Pauline Baird Jones

I started this book and it had a lot of promise.

But I just cannot get over humans travelling to another GALAXY and they encounter human-like aliens. And these aliens IN ANOTHER GALAXY speak near-ENGLISH!! And those beings look, act, and have emotions **exactly** like humans.

OK, maybe human-like creatures were spread over a bazillion galaxies from some proto human star travelers. But to have the almost the same LANGUAGE?? Admittedly I'm not very far in, but there is no explanation. No one says "Hey, how come you speak our language? Do you also speak French and Urdu??" No one marvels at the physical similarity. There is more disparity in culture on earth right now than there is between the H&H.

I just cannot suspend disbelief. And, sadly, this is were most RomSF completely FAILS: believable plotting and world-building. The focus is on romance and very little on believable SF.

While I'm listening, I'm shaking my head that this story got published. So I'm stopping. Where was the editor? Where was the Logic Police?