A review by superdewa
Anita de Monte Laughs Last by Xochitl Gonzalez

Clearly based on the life and death of artist Ana Mendieta, without even mentioning her in the acknowledgements. My problem with the author’s first book was that it was historical fiction that gave no background on or way to learn more about the events mentioned. This is even worse in that it’s based on the life of an actual person with no allusion to that in the book. Why not? I enjoyed both these books but am disinclined to read more by her because of these omissions,

A recent NYT article on the issue with fictional accounts of Ana Mendieta’s life: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/02/style/ana-mendieta-family-estate.html?ugrp=u&unlocked_article_code=1.gE0.o4Le.idpO9mqzarQj&smid=url-share