A review by burstnwithbooks
The Whole Sky Full of Stars by René Saldaña Jr.


I started this book knowing basically nothing about it; just reading it because I have to read a YA sports genre from the library from the summer reading program. I did know it was about boxing, but after that, I had no idea the age. Immediately I thought they were 12, because they all acted like 10 year olds. However, I did eventually realize that the main character, Barry, is actually 18, so Alby also must be 17 or 18. This was extremely confusing and annoying. Basically, although the moral and idea of the story is fairly good (but it's still not my genre or idea of fun), the characters were shallow, poorly planned (not to mention there were a total of 5, relying heavily on 2), and immature, while the grammar and manner of speaking was just distracting, although somewhat realistic. I would recommend this book for 10-13 year old boys, or girls who really like boxing. A lot. Good luck.