A review by guinness74
Star Wars and History by Janice Liedl, Nancy R. Reagin


I wish there was a 2.5 star option. 2 stars just seems sort of low, because the history portions of this book are really good. And several of the chapters are better than others. Plus, what makes this book really good is that these are academics who are attempting to bring some history credibility to science fiction, which is really cool. Unfortunately, the parallels are mostly tenuous and the writing reflects that. There's a superficiality to the whole process. I suppose, if you're attempting to get the novice Star Wars fan interested in history, this is your go to. But, I'm an advanced Star Wars fan (to say the least...I think the term is "geek"), and I'm no slouch in the history department either. So, to say I was underwhelmed is an understatement. Still...there are history segments that are totally worth looking into, and the reference sections are invaluable, probably worth that extra half star.