A review by dramalitandtech
Final Season by Tim Green


Final Season, by Tim Green, is a departure from what I typically read, but as a middle school teacher I’m always on the hunt for good books for my students--all of my students. Final Season is definitely a novel that will interest my students looking for sports books. But it is so much more than sports.

Tim Green, a former NFL player, wrote the novel that is not quite autobiographical and not quite a memoir. Truthfully, I don't know how to classify it, but that doesn’t really matter. It is a novel based on real life, but with changes made. Ben, a 6th grader, is used to being coached by his father and two all-star football player brothers. In fact, they refer to themselves as the Four Brothers. When Ben’s father is diagnosed with ALS, the entire family’s lives change, including Ben’s mom’s feelings about football--which could have very well caused Coach Redd’s ALS. So Ben faces his father’s declining health, his mother’s insistence that this be Ben’s last year of football, and Ben’s own feelings and indecision about football all while attempting to lead his team to the championship.

Final season is an exciting and often emotional read. It is perfect for fans of Mike Lupica and suitable for students as young as 5th through 8th grade. For me, I got bogged down in the football jargon during the chapters with the games, but I was able to make my way through and not miss any important parts. While this was a departure for me, I’m glad I took it.