A review by ameserole
Abducting Abby by S.E. Smith


Okay, so it was interesting.. but also a hot mess at the same time.

Abducting Abby was just one of those books that was there, free on my audible, and was usable for a challenge (or two). SO I figure why the hell not and dove into books 1-4 rather quickly. It's super easy to devour an audiobook, or two, because you don't have to read certain things in a book and get annoyed. It doesn't mean that you don't get annoyed listening to books because trust me - it happens.

In this, you will meet Abby and Zoran. Honestly, they were okay but things just happened rather quickly for me. Definitely insta - everywhere in this series (so far). I was also intrigued by the guys because they are a dragon shifting alien type thing.

I will admit that I laughed on how these girls, especially Abby, was abducted. They did put up a little fight but they eventually caved in due to being horny. Besides all the smut happening before my ears, luckily not my eyes, they do face some danger.

In the end, it was a pretty quick book to dive into but it wasn't completely amazing.