A review by macthekat
The Rain Is a Lie by Gennifer Albin


This story is part of Gennifer Albin's series Crewel World, which I had not noticed when I started or I would likely have picked a different story as I am not familiar with the series. I am however glad I read it. it was a good story with a very strong mood.

Throughout the story weather is very very important, but it never quite becomes clear why, other than the fact that it is clearly manipulated and clearly someone is messing with people's mind.
The setting has a strong 50s sci-fi feel to it with housewifes, gender segregation and strong gender roles. The story takes place on a "station", which I am guessing is some kind of space station. The story has a strong sense of place and unlike many stories that I read which are very urban, this is very much suburban.

The mood of the story is one rather ominous. There is no doubt that something is wrong, something is very wrong, but just what it is never becomes clear. The story definitely is intriguing and makes me want to go and read more in this setting. Who are the two leather clad people? Why are they telling a boy of nine to remember that the rain is a lie? Why does it matter? And what is up with the crazy twisted 1950s parody of a world? I am guessing that the series is about those two figures.

The story is a good teaser for the series as I now want to know more.