A review by tanvika
The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity by Amartya Sen


Amartya sen is a noted economist.but he is not only a specialist.his influences are varied and unorthodox.schooled at shantinektan, his interaction with art and history, makes his work very rich in diversity and heterodoxy.it does throw new light to old subjects.
The most refreshing argument is made in India itself. The idea of an old,traditional, mystic India is incomplete.india has always harbored the eccentric ones like Buddha,mahavira.even materialism was a major school of philosophy: carvaka.
Nextly,i was impressed by his view of the Hindu religion. it is an inclusive, accommodative religion which has been able to intermix with different cultures. it also attacks the narrow,ultranationalism hindutva version.
Then, there is also an fresh take on the issue of ' identity'. sen states that identities isn't a static monolithic since birth.an individual has multiple identities which take precedence according to the situation.he clearly is an advocate for multiculturalism and harmonious coexistence
The essay on gender talks about the missing girl child in India.a national dataset is quite simplistic.regional data is used to show the skewed sex ratio in prosperous states. interestingly Bangladesh does perform better than India in social indicators. the gender inequality solution suggested by sen lays emphasis not only on economic empowerment but also pschyological growth of women.
There is also some in-depth and warm chapters on Tagore and satyajit raj.
It's a sober,sensitive, well written work relevant in the present era marked by phobias and fanatism.