A review by kbrownreads
Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles


I got this book as a goodreads giveaway which is pretty awesme...
As far as the plots.. most of them were great. My overall feeling about this book is that it was 75% fantastic. There were a lot of important social isssues Jo Knowles adresses in this book, and I agree with the way she handled them. My main problem with this book is that the characters weren't all that iteresting. I loved Claire and "Finger Boy", but the teacher was really boring and I didn't care for her. I think each of these stories cpuld bhave been a book. I felt like these were a bunch of separate ideas that were forced together by way of the middle finger. This book is a good read if you're busy ad don't have a lot of time to read. YOu can tread one story per day and make it thorugh the book within a decent time.
All in all, this book was eh.