A review by misssusan
Age of Bronze, Volume 3B: Betrayal Part Two by Eric Shanower


okay these trojan youth really need to learn to better regulate their emotions?

what kind of cheap excuse for love does troilus even have for cressida, to give up on her because he thinks she's been with diomedes

she's a woman who was just forced into an enemy war camp, it's not like she had a choice?

like if you don't have the generosity of heart to be grateful that she's found some way to have a protector in enemy territory, fine, but to be like, oh if she came back now i wouldn't accept her?

troilus you seemed okay but i guess i was wrong, you're joining the long list of male wastes populating this comic

priam should thank the gods daily for hektor, he's literally the only son of his who seems to be able to maintain a sense of common decency day to day

3 stars