A review by claire60
Bear Boy: The True Story of a Boy, Two Bears, and the Fight to Be Free by Justin Barker


An interesting book about a young man who is so outraged by animal cruelty that he starts a campaign to free two bears from their very restrictive cage. Not always a comfortable read, as it is told from the point of view of his teenage self, he appears a little lost with parents who aren't there when he gets in from school. One day he reads a book about animal rights and when he discovers that animals are taken from Africa and kept in terrible conditions in many Zoos in the US, he is outraged. His fervour for improving life for animals, including going vegetarian overnight is impressive. I don't agree with the way that he forces his friends to watch a PETA video in order for them to become vegetarian. Especially when he then says he is then able to accept his friend because tried to be vegetarian for a month. We also follow his journey of exploring his sexuality which was moving as he related to the way animals are bullied and funny when he discovers the Spice Girls. A bit over the top in places but I guess that is how he was able to make a difference for 2 bears in appalling conditions.

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.