A review by geekwayne
Baaaad Muthaz by Damian Duffy, Bill Campbell


'Baaaad Muthaz #1' by Bill Campbell, David Brame and Damian Duffy shows some interesting promise, but it's a bit hard to tell based on 28 pages.

Characters Afro Desia, Cali Vera, Alley Bastard, Candy Ass, and Katana Jade are a band. They are also smugglers in space trying to make a buck. There are also some interesting flashbacks that Afro Desia has that make me wonder what is real and what is a dream.

It's a bit confusing and a bit all over the place. Still I liked it well enough and the art was colorful and interesting. I liked the call outs to other music groups like James Brown, Jimi Hendrix, and Kid & Play. I'd be interested to see where this goes.

I received a review copy of this issue from Rosarium Publishing and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this first issue.