A review by galy
Recognize Fascism: A Science Fiction and Fantasy Anthology by Crystal M. Huff


I recieved this ebook from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! All opinions are my own.

Here's the thing, my main issue with anthologies is that if the stories are too short I'll want more! But I'm always trying to read more anthologies cause it's a great way to find new to me authors.

This book is an anthology of fantasy and science fiction short stories of moments when people see fascism in front of them and we get to see how they act. There are many different stories with many different circumstances.

There are so many short stories that I didn't connect with all of them. Some of them were like one page long and I wanted more! It took me a while to read it all cause I kept trying to understand every detail (a really hard thing to try in a science fiction book). Overall there were stories that I really loved, stories that I enjoyed and there were other stories that I didn't connect with or I didn't understand so I didn't enjoy them. And I really want to insist on saying that some of the stories were amazing and some of them were also beautiful. I kept thinking "what an interesting story" in some of them.

It was a good book but sadly it's not something I loved.