A review by brottany
Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardner


Frankie Elkin moves from town to town with the sole purpose of working missing persons’ cases. While fighting her inner demons, Frankie fights for the lives of others. 14 cases, and each one she brought the family news that their loved one has died. But, maybe things can be different this time. Angelique deserves to be found. Found alive. Frankie inserts herself into the community to uncover every tidbit she can to lead her to Angelique. Because, well, her duty is to Angelique. Although Frankie has never met the girl, this is who she works for. Everything she does is for Angelique.
I found myself at the edge of my seat throughout this book. I wanted to know the truth just as much as Frankie. I can’t wait to follow more of Frankie’s cases in the books that follow!