A review by mandalor3960
Star Wars Omnibus: Tales of the Jedi, Volume 1 by Kevin J. Anderson


It’s an alright plotline in general. The Great Hyperspace War is overhyped and not as interesting as it seemed other than seeming to last no more than a day to which the Sith are immediately beat. Really average plot. The Beast War comics were not better though other than providing a little framework from what is to come in the future. The Nomi Sunrider part at least provided a bit of interest. Overall the omnibus gets a 3 stars out of 5. What kept me entranced a bit was the Sith lore and the old retro style of the comic.

Rating Update 3/14/2019 - 3 to 2 stars. Because I found it boring, it doesn't mean I liked it (3 stars).

Update 4 June 2019
With the adoption of my new rating system, a two star rating is befitting. The original review explains how two of the arcs in the omnibus are average, which would be a two star rating. The only three star rated section, that being the Nomi Sunrider section, cannot raise the omnibus to three stars.

September 5, 2019
It was not mentioned that the appearance of the comics help maintain the volume at a two star rating. The dull colors and the mechanized gladiator look of the Old Republic wars and its combatants is nice. Visually appealing at times.

September 8, 2019
I have thought of lowering the rating to one star because the only section I enjoy now is on the Beast Rider War and Nomi Sunrider sections because they explain a later era in "Star Wars" that I am interested, and since now I am not as enthusiastic for "Star Wars" and reading into lore since my time is short. However, at the time I found it to be mediocre so the rating will stay at two stars.

January 4, 2020
I have placed this book in the 2Q rating type, particularly because I cannot recall the contents of much of this book. Even a brief skim of the volume has left me ill at how little I can recall, and with the realization that a reread will fill in the scarcity of my notes on this volume. In skimming the volume, I was unable to conjure positive or negative feelings for the book apart from the art, which is a good thing since the original review seems to focus on the blandness of the volume. Though the two star-rating is a safe, good estimate, I cannot properly analyze my reaction to the plot apart from giving it a generalized, two star-rated mediocrity brand to it. The original review is lengthy enough to convince me that there are not areas that I would dislike that would bring the rating of the book to a one star-rating. Because of this, I have left the color of the rating at yellow instead of grey, but the yellow color is still not a one hundred percent guarantee, merely an educated guess.