A review by jacob_wren
The Earth Dies Streaming by A.S. Hamrah


Three short passages from The Earth Dies Streaming:

Todays Republicans go out of their way to insist that the GOP is the party of Ronald Reagan, but after seeing Emile de Antonio’s films you realize that it’s the party of Joe McCarthy, Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover – de Antonio’s obsessions, his main villains. He has located the end of American democracy in these three figures. Sneaks, liars, and hypocrites who would be at home in John Ashcroft’s Justice Department, all three were smear specialists. They owed what power they had to their ability to make the population as paranoid as they were, to their ability to instill fear – of pinkos, the Vietnamese, the Russians, “subversives,” anyone who didn’t see things their way.

If that’s what a feel-good movie is, I can’t stand to feel that good. It’s physically painful for me to feel that good.

Farber states that he is not interested in pronouncing movies good or bad, but he is still always for or against something.