A review by michalice
The Flame Never Dies by Rachel Vincent


When I was given the option to take part in the blog tour I jumped at the chance. Although I haven't read all of Rachel's books, I am a big fan of what I have read, and I couldn't wait to make a start on The Flame Never Dies. I needed to know what happened next for Anathema, how would this group survive in the badlands, and would they find a soul for Melanie's baby. This is a spoiler free review of this book, it's more my feelings than the plot itself.

The Stars Never Rise was an amazing book, and I honestly wondered how Rachel was going to top it, how was she going to continue on this world but keep up wanting more. After finishing The Flame Never Dies I really don't know why I questioned it.

I devoured the pages of The Flame Never Dies, eager to see what fortune would meet the characters I had grown to love. I didn't expect to be tricked, to be lulled into a false sense of security and have my hopes shattered, to cry both happy and sad tears over the same incident. The twist, turns, and surprises kept me on my toes for the entire journey with Anathema, and right up to the last few chapters I had no idea how it would all end.

The Flame Never Dies is a book that lives up to it's predecessor, and also ends in a circle I didn't see coming. Hopefully we get to join Anathema on another adventure soon, and get to return to the circle and claim what is rightfully theirs. I just found out there is no more, that this is a two book series.

Final Verdict
I loved every single thing about The Flame Never Dies and I really do hope we get to see another book in this series.