A review by sentient_meat
Morality and Moral Theory: A Reappraisal and Reaffirmation by Robert B. Louden


Louden's Morality and Moral Theory: A Reappraisal and a Reaffirmation is a defense of moral theory against criticism from antitheorists. Louden maintains that what antitheorists too narrowly define theory, and then claim that on this definition moral theory cannot help us with the development of moral character. He argue that both Aristotle and Kant have a moral theory that is self-regarding (i.e character development is central to both), and are concerned more with practical moral engagement rather than abstract normative principles. There is much to be praised in Louden's approach (certainly his reading of Kant is nuanced and quite interesting), but I feel he overall misses the mark in the theory/anti-theory debate. Whilst Louden does take some of the antitheorists critiques to heart, his assertion that Aristotle and Kant were not doing 'bad' theory is underarggued and unconvincing.