A review by beckyrendon
Dare by S.L. Scott


Dare is the kind if book that you enjoy. It will make you smile. It will make you happy. It gives you a little bit of that "rebelling against your parents" without actually compromising your real world relationship vibe. It gives you a little bad boy lovin' with a real man. Dare is the kind of story that you read and you make its theme yours until you hit the epilogue.

It's unusual for me to say that an epilogue can make or break a book. Sometimes authors nail them and other times you feel meh...almost like they dropped the ball. Dare is the "holy shit, that was epic- did I just read that" kind of epilogue. I found the depth of connection in the epilogue doubled that of the book. I enjoyed this book. I really liked the flow of Weatherly and Dare. I really liked and enjoyed. Are you hearing me? I was content to give this book my regular happy to have read it 4 stars until those epilogues. S.L. Scott took it up a notch with the final words in Dare's story. She stole my heart with just a few words and stole that 5th star too.

Dare and Weatherly will sneak up on you and grab your heart like ninjas in the night. Whether you fight dirty or not, you will fall and fall hard!

Reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood