A review by mrbear
A Darkness At Sethanon by Raymond E. Feist


Enjoyed it. Its still not great writing, and it’s more something I’d recommend as a lighter read to someone who is already a fan of fantasy and has read the classics. For those people, it’s an enjoyable conclusion to what, apparently, is the first of many series in this universe.

The biggest issue with the series is that the writing is limited by the fact that the author likes his characters too much. Everyone is saved from certain doom (except undeveloped characters - they basically always die or disappear within half a book of being introduced), every relationship works out just the way it “should,” every old enemy turns out to be either totally evil (and is vanquished) or just misunderstood (and becomes a great friend), and the main characters always have enough money and titles to reward everyone for their help at the end of the book.

That said, it takes some confidence to write a fantasy book that features characters watching the big bang happen, so kudos for that.