A review by alli
Blood Healing by K.J. Colt


I should note that I received this from the author in exchange for an honest review.

Blood Healing arrived soon after I finished the first installment, Concealed Power, and I was fast to devour it. (Not so fast on writing the review, unfortunately.) It was a very satisfying sequel. I'd been interested to read what would happen to Adenine in the city of healers, and Colt did not disappoint. It managed to have a solid plot, which is often lacking in second installments. It could even be read stand alone (although I have no idea what anyone would want to skip the first one).

Adenine continues to be faced with some incredibly tough choices and issues, and at times she seemed a bit mature for her years, but it fits: she had to grow up incredibly quickly. She's also able to see Meligna from an outsiders perspective that healers who grow up in the city don't have. Most remarkably: she manages to escape a pitfall that often irritates me about young adult fiction: she's not perfect. I hope Colt continues in this vein and doesn't transform her into The Heroine Who Is Good At Everything, Fears Nothing, And Always Does What Is Right. That gets tiresome.

I don't want to have to flag this review for spoilers, but I want to add this: the Queens are incredibly well written. They're distinct in their personalities, voices, and motivations. Particularly Queen Silica. She surprised me, and that's hard to do.