A review by manhattanmike
Cross Bones by Kathy Reichs


This is the first Kathy Reichs Book I’ve read. I was very disappointed. I presumed that because I’d heard of her that it would be well written. The basic plot is a fine idea for a crime thriller, but her writing style renders it tedious. Many of the sentences are very short dialogue. They are about half a line long which looks distinctive on the page and distracts slightly. She wears her research heavily. Characters have conversations in unrealistic detail peppered with odd, jarring text describing the pet cat or food she is eating. Doesn’t sound odd, but somehow it is. The big action sequence half way through, set in a cave, is a change of pace but falls flat as it reads as though written by an amateur attempting a thriller. They know the elements that should be there, but can’t write properly. In the end I just couldn’t care less about the characters or the skeletons. Boring, boring, boring. Are all her books like this?