A review by celestrium
Super Sons #1 by Dennis Culver, Peter J. Tomasi, Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sánchez, Chris Burnham


As others have said, I may have looked at this in a biased light - but I adored it.
Damian is one of my favourite Robins (obviously, tied with Dick Grayson) so when I discovered this series through Pinterest, I knew I had to get it.

The art style is so incredible, the family resemblances obvious in both art and writing. The story was also amusing and I can't wait be to spectator to the growth in the friendship between Damian and Jon (despite how in denial they may be).
It's just one of those comics that makes you feel good and happy, it doesn't need no "point" to it, as such. It doesn't need no big war or message to it. It's simply about character growth in two young boys who have high expectations to live up to - and I think that's great.

I also found it so hilarious, the wit of the two boys is clear. However, one of my favourite lines came from Kid Amazo - and I also feel it sums up the boys pretty well:
"You two look like Superman and Batman got married and had twins".

They're more alike than they think.