A review by cosymilko
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant


Into the Drowning Deep is the follow up to the limited release “Rolling in the Deep” in which the Atargatis went missing, all hands lost. This book is set 7 years in the future following the search for what actually happened to the crew of the Atargatis.

You don’t need to have read Rolling in the Deep. You don’t need to know anything about it. It is teased out and so beautifully mirrored in this book that at times I wish I hadn’t read the short story before.

Mira Grant does seem to have a standard type of character that she writes: a stoic no-nonsense male, a hard-outer shelled smug scientist, and the young person determined to show the world/seek revenge. If you can look past this then you’ll enjoy this book.

For me, the pace is better than in previous Grant novels and the info-dump from scientists feels much less forced. There is still enough science to firmly plant this in sci-fi but it is embedded in the narrative and none of it feels needless.

I would recommend this as a way to dive in* to Mira Grant/Seanan McGuire’s increasingly large volume of work. For me, this is on par with Feed for the hook* you in and keep you reading moments.

*all puns intended.