A review by lostcupofstars
The Fat Lady Sings by Jacqueline Roy


Can’t really figure out why this was set in the 90s. There weren’t really any indicators of the time period so really that didn’t seem necessary.

I definitely preferred Gloria’s chapters, I sometimes found Merle’s hard to keep up with. There was also a lot more triggering content in Merle’s perspectives and I found that difficult at times. 

The exploration of mental health and race in here is really interesting. The more you think about it the more you start to wonder who has any right to determine that someone else’s reality is not normal? This would be a really interesting book to study and discuss. 

Minor issue but in the audiobook you can hear all those tiny little saliva sounds and I found it quite distracting. Otherwise I thought she did a good job at doing different characters voices (though I did think her voice sounded a lot younger than I imagine Gloria is supposed to be)