A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Premeditated Myrtle by Elizabeth C. Bunce


It took a few tries before this book actually reached me and then it, of course, took a couple more weeks before I got to reading it. Today I needed some easier books, quicker reads, books I could still read and enjoy even though I was tired. Since this book is a middle grade and has a very easy to read font the book seemed absolutely perfect for that. I wasn't entirely sure what to expect, apart from it being a mystery, but I was ready to be surprised.

And this book sure did surprise me. In a very positive way. I have to admit that on page 4 or 5 I had to check if this was really the first book, since it seems the author is just jumping in and we've already missed quite some adventures, but once I reassured myself I just enjoyed the ride. And even though it felt like we were thrown right into the middle of Myrtle's life and journey, quite soon I was invested in her life, her family, her friends and the case.

Most mystery novels have a leading lady who's not exactly good at being a detective. They're in the way, they're making mistakes, they're breaking laws. It's quite clear that Myrtle is a little different in that regard. She knows what she's doing. She knows the rules. She knows what she can and can't do. It doesn't mean she doesn't take risks anymore. It simply means the risks are way more calculated and have a clear purpose.

But Myrtle wasn't the only unique and amazing character in this book. Even though the book is true to its time periode, as much as possible, it felt like there were quite a lot of strong women present in this story. And in this case strong doesn't mean that they try to kick against every holy house, but that they find a way to make their dreams come true and to be who they want to be within the strict limits of their time.

I can't wait to dive into the next adventure and I hope we'll be reunited with as many characters as possible!