A review by rustbeltjessie
Life is Wonderful, People are Terrific by Meliza Banales


I love this book so much. I love it so much that even though it’s not the greatest thing ever written, I gave it four stars instead of three. Why do I love it so much? Because I relate to the main character/the plot so deeply. Being a scholarship kid at a college where you feel out of place, and fucking up repeatedly? Running away to the nearby big city on the weekends? Drinking too much, having a lot of sex, being a sex worker? Fucking up with the people who truly care about you, and falling for the people who are bad for you? Check, check, check check check. Granted, there are many aspects of the main character and her life which are not part of my experience, but ultimately–she reminds me of me, she reminds me of all the girls I’ve ever loved, she reminds me of all my girl-characters: wild, queer, a fuck-up, and also passionate, creative, and smart. If you can relate to any of the things I’ve mentioned in this review, you should read this book. Hell, even if you can’t–maybe read it anyway and learn something about lives outside of your own experience. Either way, it’s worth your time.