A review by xsleepyshadows
DC Comics: Bombshells, Vol. 1: Enlisted by Marguerite Bennett


This is just so cool! In the World War women picked up jobs and other things (such as sports) to support their country while the men where at war. This also includes being the superheros! This book is filled with strong female heroes with awesome time period costumes.
It is so interesting seeing Wonder Woman's origin story with all the other heroes in the same time period, I don't think that has happened before and I think it is really cool.

The art style is all really good. I think they have a few people working on it because I noticed it changed once and a while. I actually prefer one style more than the other, I wish it was consistent, but it is still quality work. I think the story could use a little work but this could just be the set up to something fantastic! Looking forward to the next issue! ~Ashley