A review by thisisbert
Plagues of Night by David R. George III


omgggg Sisko I don't care about your life already. It's so disappointing to turn a page and jump from political machinations with far-reaching implications, or somebody's growing suspicions of sabotage, or basically anything that isn't Sisko really, and then the next page is him moping about his relationship with his family. sssshhhhuuuutttt uuuuppppppp dude.

I don't really get, by the way, the point of recapping in a Star Trek tie-in novel things which happened in the television programme. Dave the Third, I don't want to offend you or anything but literally zero of the people reading your book missed out on seeing the show. We already know how Kira's feelings about Sisko changed during her time on DS9 because we saw it on the TV. Why remind us about eight times (okay maybe not eight but seriously it was more than once)? And frankly this book is already so bloated with recapping of the novels preceding it (I haven't even read them and I didn't need this much recap) it really, REALLY didn't need the extra "hey kids did you hear this was based on a television show?" moments.

But the ending was exciting, despite being less 'cliffhanger' and more 'we stopped this book at the climax so you would have to buy the next one' and really I enjoy anything with Cardassians and Breen in it. Especially where the leader of the Cardassian government is a little five foot tall lady Cardassian (I have accordingly made this my new personal and professional goal).