A review by rereader33
QQ Sweeper, Vol. 1 by Kyousuke Motomi


So this is volume, and this series as a whole, falls under the "rereading to see if I still like it/want to continue with it" category, and unfortunately the answers to both of those questions is no.

I want to make it clear that a) this is NOT a bad series, in fact I think this volume sets up both main characters and the world well, and b) I do recommend people try out this series especially if you like supernatural romance. But while I do recommend it and acknowledge that it's good, I was not engaged while rereading this volume and felt little to nothing towards the main characters. I think the world is interesting and I like this take on the whole "evil emotions manifest as bugs and can infect others," but this concept is also it's downfall in my opinion. The problem is that I've now read so many series that have a similar concept (Noragami and Jujutsu Kaisen are the first two that come to mind) and I like those worlds and those characters better.

As with a lot of series I've been rereading recently, the biggest problem with this series is that this concept was fresh and exciting when I was getting back into manga in late 2015 to early 2016, but there have been SO MANY series that I have since read and have done this concept better that QQ Sweeper just doesn't interest me now.

For the record, I own all of the current volumes of this and the sequel series Queen's Quality, and have read up to volume 6, but didn't remember a lot of the characters and plot, hence the reread. Sadly though, I'm going to end this reread here and am dropping this series. Please, PLEASE bare in mind that this is an intriguing and disturbing series that I do recommend people try, but I'm not interested in it anymore and I'm not going to force myself to read a series I've lost interest in. Give this one a chance, I think a lot of people will enjoy it, I've simply fallen out of love with it.