A review by stuckinafictionaluniverse
The Eternity Cure by Julie Kagawa


There are tons of young adult vampire books out there today. There's also an astounding amount of YA dystopian books nowadays. It's hard to find a gem in either genre, because it seems like all the ideas are dried out and that there isn't anything refreshing about them anymore. But not this book.
Julie Kagawa manages to combine two overdone genres and turn them into something amazing.
There are so many things to love about this series. From the clever world-building to the unexpected twists and turns. From the terrifying characters to the hilarious ones, who have just my sense of humour. Filled with sarcasm, action and a decent amount of gore, it makes a fantastic sequel.
Update 10/7 -14: Now having read the final book in the trilogy, I can say that this is not my favorite series, but almost went there. It's solid, wonderfully fast-paced and has a solid plot and characters. The first two novels are close to fantastic, even.
However, [b:The Forever Song|17883441|The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3)|Julie Kagawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397957046s/17883441.jpg|25046312] is one of the weakest conclusions I've ever stumbled upon.
I'm torn; should I recommend you stay away from it or do I advice you to read it and get disappointed? Well, some readers may enjoy it, but the majority of reviews I've read have described the book as a let-down.
Shortly: my previously positive picture of Blood of Eden was shattered by cheesy lines, slow pacing and annoying characters.
Read [b:The Forever Song|17883441|The Forever Song (Blood of Eden, #3)|Julie Kagawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1397957046s/17883441.jpg|25046312] at your own risk.