A review by trackofwords
The Fifth Ward: Friendly Fire by Dale Lucas


The second novel in Dale Lucas’ The Fifth Ward series, Friendly Fire continues the interspecies fantasy buddy cop story that was started in First Watch. In the city of Yenara, where men, elves and dwarfs live side by side in some form of harmony, watchwardens Rem - a human - and Torval - a dwarf - are hard at work keeping the streets safe at night. When tensions start to rise between rival factions within the city, however, the watchwardens find themselves hard pressed to keep the peace and get to the bottom of what’s really going on.

There’s lots to enjoy here, predominantly in the exploration of Yenara, its watchwardens, and the ongoing developments in Rem and Torval’s partnership. These are fundamentally engaging characters, and they do carry the story for the most part. With a lighter story, and perhaps a little less description to try and keep the pace up and the page count (a hefty 430+) down, there’s real potential in the characters and the setting, but as it is this doesn’t quite know what it wants to be.

Read the full review on the British Fantasy Society website: http://www.britishfantasysociety.org/reviews/the-fifth-ward-friendly-fire-by-dale-lucas-book-review/