A review by linlinlin
A Book of Tongues by Gemma Files

Did not finish book. Stopped at 60%.
I really wanted to love this; Files comes recommended by Gretchen Felker Martin which is no small praise. But I am too old to tolerate much senseless murder even in a horror novel, and this book uses background character death as scenery. Not here and there or as part of a fight; bodies litter the pages from the get go. Feels like Tarantino or an anime. In my twenties I would have frothed this. Heck, in my twenties I wrote novels like this. I look forward to trying Gemma Files' more recent works instead and might recommend you try that too, unless you are still the target age group. I reckon you could have loads of fun if you are. Frankly I think it's important to enjoy things like this while you can!