A review by alwaysbooking
City of Stone and Silence by Django Wexler


3.5 Isoka is still kicking ass stars!!

This book is told in two POV’s Isoka’s and her sister Tori’s. I will admit that in the beginning I found Tori’s chapters very boring and they barely kept my attention. After a couple of her chapters it does start to pick up and you start to connect to her a little bit. It was interesting to be back into the world that Tori and Isoka grew up in. I enjoyed learning about Tori and how she is not the pampered princess that her sister seems to think she is. Almost all of Tori’s side characters are also interesting and kept my attention. I liked learning about them and their back stories, I think I might have Garo figured out but you never know where an authors mind is going.

Isoka’s chapters were really interesting they are having completely new challenges. I liked the ideas and world building of where they were. I really wished she had more interaction with Zarun he is my favorite side character next to Jack. Of course I don’t get to pick who she interacts with. Her side of the story wasn’t as much combat as it was in the first book which kind of made me sad, I really missed all of the fighting.

This book had a lot more teenage angst, and talk of how sexy everyone was. That I could’ve done without however they are teenagers sooo it is bound to happen when trapped together for long periods of time. It just seemed a lot more in the second book than the first one or maybe I just noticed it more. It definitely didn’t have second book slump, and I can’t wait for book three. I am loving all of the strong female protagonists.

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