A review by queenkoko
Buffy the Vampire Slayer #2 by Dan Mora, Raúl Angulo, Jordie Bellaire


Very underwhelming compared to the 1st issue. New (old) characters introduced and the plot is still unclear. It seems like the Master isn't this comics big bad but I could be wrong. Some spoilers ahead.

Cordelia doesn't feel like Cordelia in Buffy, she seems like the Cordelia in Angel. Is her nice attitude just an act? I really don't like this version of Cordelia, she had one of the BEST character development on T.V. and the comic seems to just be changing that. Harmony is mentioned but we don't see her. Is she vapid or new and improved? Joyce has a boyfriend who I don't trust because well, Ted. We see Willow's GF Rose... not much to write about. Willow's insecurities baffle me because in the 1st issue she comes off very calm, cool, and collected.

Robin is introduced as a student and I wonder if his backstory changes. Spike is also introduced but does he have a soul? Anya reminds me of Anya which I love. Drusilla is one of my favorite vampires. However, I like crazy riddle speaking Drusilla.... not this sane one. She also may have released something scary so, potential big bad?

No Angel or Dawn sightings which is always a plus. Oh, Xander is sad about something but I don't really care about him even if this version of him is one of the better ones.

I was hoping we would see more plot development but we were introduced to more characters. That fine and all, but the characterization of these characters are vastly different from what we have seen and read. I am curious to see if Faith is ever going to appear. Since they are changing backstories how was Dru sired? Are Spike and Dru even a thing? Not sure if I'll pick up issue #3

I was really hype about this series and enjoyed the minor Willow and Xander changes, but I really don't like the new Drusilla and Anya.